Our adventures, for the most part, are small. Things that we think anybody can and should #SayYesMore to. Walking, cycling, climbing trees, exploring our surroundings and dipping in the sea. Here are 5 reasons you should head out on a mini adventure!
1. They are some of the most fun
Some of our most fun adventures have been quick, easy and accessible to most people. Small and mighty adventures include checking out a waterfall in Wales, dipping in the sea on new year’s day and climbing a tree on the Isle Of Wight. If fun is what you are after a mini adventure might just be the ticket! Go for a walk, swing on the monkey bars, let yourself explore a path you’ve never been down, grab a towel and dip in the sea. Most of all, don’t worry about what other people think. The most fun stuff is usually the stuff adults ‘shouldn’t’ be doing!
2. There are loads of free or cheap things you can do

While there’s loads of adventurous stuff you can pay to do, there are plenty of free or cheap versions too and we usually value the free ones just as much as the things we pay for (and we get to spend some our savings on cake at the end of the day! #Win ). Grab a bike or walking boots, pick a destination or somewhere to explore (like a beach, hill or bit of woodland) and go! Trip advisor is a great resource. Have you been to all of the top-rated places local to you? It’s often surprising to see how many ‘things to do’ are open spaces, landmarks and other places that are free to visit. Can you walk, cycle or use public transport somewhere you usually visit by car? That can be an adventure in itself.
3. No time = No problem
A mini adventure could range from a few hours do a couple of days. Ideally, you’d give yourself a full day to explore and enjoy what you are doing, without worrying about being back in time. But, if time is short, pick something small and get out there! Got work? Perhaps you could do a wildcamping microadventure. Al Humphries is the expert on this so take a look at his website here or take a look at WakeUpWild to find a group camp local to you.
4. You can still get outside of your comfort zone
Adventure starts when something starts to feel a little scary. We’re not naturally bold and brave people but we do have a ‘go for it’ attitude. Every adventure, however small, teaches us something, often about ourselves. Adventures get us outside of our comfort zone, and every time we do that it get’s just a tiny bit bigger. We learn that we are capable of more than we sometimes think and hone our decision making skills when things are not going to plan.
It sounds like the stuff that kids are taught in school, but being able to keep cool when we need to is something that is useful in life itself and we’re still learning how to do it well. It’s why little adventures are so important and why you should do them.
5. Get good at the little adventures and those big dreams might not seem so crazy
We owe a lot to the little adventure: Endless laughs, terrible nights of sleep, stunning views, blisters, delicious cakes, arguments and a massive helping of fun. The biggest thing we’ve gained is confidence. We’ve not done anything huge, but we’ve done things that have gone well, and not so well and as a result we feel so much better prepared for a big challenge. Don’t wait until the opportunity for a big adventure comes your way. Start training with little adventures straight away.