We’re two people with an insatiable taste for adventure and we work as a team to make it happen.

John is deafblind and has 3% vision and wears two hearing aids. He’s definitely the strong one and regularly powers uphills on the tandem and crushes climbs.
Strengths: Strength?Tall.
Weaknesses: Eyesight!
Special skills: Spending hours researching kit. Saving Lauren from falling over. Having a cute Guide Dog (Not sure that really counts as a special skill but Daisy is awesome!)

Lauren is the sightguide on adventures, trying, but not always succeeding, to help John around without him walking into things, falling down holes or knocking low branches.
Strengths: Eyesight!
Weaknesses: Not very tall. Nearly falls over a lot! Gets grumpy when tired.
Special skills: Making friends with dogs. Narrating wild animals’ inner monologue (you have to be there!).