Lockdown has been a tough time for blind and visually impaired people. New layouts, extra signage and social distancing can be difficult when you can’t see. We can’t sort the pandemic, but there is something we can do to help blind or visually impaired people in our local area (including John).
We have been using our local exercise during lockdown to check that pedestrian crossings have been working properly and as they should. Together as a team we can check all elements both sides of a crossing (button, lights and the tactile spinner underneath). If it doesn’t work we report it using an app and website called FixMyStreet where you can pinpoint the problem, share a photo and a report is sent to the council.
The issues we have reported using the app have been fixed within days. We have been impressed! We would love it if you could give any crossing boxes a little check when you next pass one. It could really help somebody. A whole host of issues can be reported including broken/missing signage, fly tipping and problems with bus shelters so it’s a pretty useful app. Most of the buttons are screen reader accessible but pinpointing the location on a map can be difficult. TIP: If the app is closed and you open it when you are in the right location the location pin should automatically be in your current position.